Kiara Bear - 9 Months

12:20:00 PM

Kiara Bear is 9 Months Old!!! Whaaat the whaat!

Kiara is so much fun these days. I just love her more and more every single day and I am just infatuated with everything she does right now. I keep telling her to stop getting bigger as she is so cute and perfect.

Now let's get to her 9 months update before I go on and on about how much I love my squishy munchkin. Taking these pictures is the most exhausting thing I go through every month and  these days it's much more as Jeet is not here with us and also because I am a preggo. My mom and I were both left cracking up, out of breath because Kiara is soo fast these days!! She won't  sit or stand still even for a second!

Kiara Bears Size :

We recently visited the doctor here in India to get her checked up for cold and cough. Kiara weighed in at 16 lbs 5 oz, which puts her in the 20-21%. She has dropped percentiles since her 6th month check up, but we think it's because she is always on the move! She keeps crawling and walking in her walker at lightning speed. By the way she started walking and constantly making us laugh with her shenanigans.

She wears a Size M pull up diapers as in India. Clothing wise she mostly weasr her 6-9 months or some 9-12 months clothes!  Her 9-12 months clothes are still a bit baggy but some of them are pretty perfect. ( This was not a planned trip to stay until she is 9 months but I made sure to get some 6-9 and some 9-12 months clothes just to be on safer side and trust me it worked! ) We still don't have any of her teeth coming up, but her gums are pretty hard so she might might pop out with a tiny tooth in couple of weeks, anyways we are being patient!

Likes :

  • Must say she is a foodie. She loves trying out new things and mostly eat whatever we have.
  • Crawling
  • Walking
  • Climbing
  • Timios Wheat Puffs in the flavor Apple & Cinnamon. Actually obsessed.
  • Laughing mostly at her dad and grandpa.
  • Pulling things off the shelf.
  • Dave and Eva rhymes and lullaby in You Tube.
  • Sitting in high chairs at restaurants.
  • Long drives in the car.
  • Bike rides with her Grandpa (only possible in India)
  • Sleeping through the nights.

Dislikes :

  • When her food is gone or her bottle is taken away.
  • Being over tired (as usual everyday scenario)
  • When I leave her with Grandma to run errands. (separation anxiety)
  • Getting too hot or too cold.
  • Nursing when the TV or IPad is on.
  • Having a wet diaper.
  • Having her diaper changed.
  • Getting dressed.
  • Wearing bows. She pulls them out almost every time. I have to get her diverted to keep it on until I click pictures.
  • Drinking from a sippy cup, she has not quite gotten the hang of it yet.

Firsts :

  • First bruises
  • First time having unripped mango
  • First time pulling up to her knees.
  • First time walking.
  • First really quick crawling.
  • First time crying it out.
  • First time pinching while she was nursing.
  • First time babbling
  • Fist time calling me mumma.
  • First time showing an obvious color preference (she loves bright colors like red, yellow and greens)
  • First hoarse voice
  • First time opening a door and crawling through it.

Things I Always Want To Remember : 

  • Cuddling and holing her while I put her to sleep.
  • The way she feels proud of herself when she learns a new trick.
  • How happy and smiley she is when she wakes up in the morning.
  • How she wants me to put her down when she is way too sleepy.
  • How much she loves her bath time.
  • How she laughs and reaches out to her pup plush toy Chewy.
  • How much she loves to empty her little toy box, pulling the toys out.
  • How she shakes her booty when she stands up next to her play table.
  • How fast she walks in her walker.
  • She somehow finds a way to crawl around anything and everything.
  • How she feeds herself in general. It's way to hilarious every time!
  • How her legs look when she is standing.
  • How she gets excited when she lets out this huge screaming voice.
  • The faces she makes.

I am sure I could think of more, but I will stop there! We love you so much Kiara Bear!!


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  1. Oh my! Your daughter is such the cutest!!! Thank you for sharing her likes and dislikes <3

  2. She is such a cutie. My daughter is having a girl and I cant wait to spoil her.

  3. Nince months already!! Where has the time gone!? She is getting so big and is so adorable!

  4. Girl children are so much fun and it looks like she is a character:) She is adorbs.

  5. She is so adorable! Time sure does fly right by.

  6. Awww she is so adorable. I am excited to get to this phase in my life where I could also document is childs progress.

  7. She is so cute!! Kids grow up so fast! I hope you are enjoying every part of it.

  8. She looks so adorable! And also those cute little outfits suit her well. Time flies by so fast.

  9. She is precious!! My husband and I are trying for our another baby. I wish I could have documented them, like you are doing. I hope I can do that if I get pregnant again. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Such lovely photos, Mother & Daughter relationship can't compare to anything.

  11. Oh, my goodness, she is so adorable. I hope, everything goes well with her.

  12. she is so adorable. i have a friend who is about to adopt and I know how excited she is right now. i am super exicted to meet their little one.


  13. Such an adorable baby and I guess you have the best time of taking of her. She looks happy most of the time and I think she knows she is living her best life under your care. These picture will be very precious to her when she grows up :)

  14. What a sweetie pie. I used to make lists of 'firsts' for all four of my kids. :)

  15. What a cool post! This was a fun read, congrats on Kiara reaching 9 months. Its funny, because ALL of my kids started to hate getting dressed from 9 months up until they were about a year and a half old. Children can be quirky, ha ha. Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. Enjoy every second. 9 months is such a great stage! I miss my girls that small.

  17. Aww so sweet! They grow up so quickly. I'm expecting my first baby in a few weeks.

  18. She is pretty darn adorable. And she is growing up so fast. The time rushes by way too quickly. Looks like you are enjoying every moment of it though.

  19. so extremely cute! The forst year of a baby is amazing! Lovely pictures!

  20. Wow, she is extremely adorable!! :) I love the baby days!

  21. Your daughter is just adorable, I watch 2 year-old's at church, so I know all about the shenanigans they can get into. Stay blessed.

  22. Wow, I can't believe she's already 9 months old! She's growing so fast. She is so precious. I love her outfits.

  23. Kiara Bear is such a beautiful girl! That's a great idea to enjoy her progress and to note down her firsts and things you'd like to remember about her first months in the future. :)

  24. She is so precious and seems to be quite active! They certainly do grow up very quickly.

  25. That's a great combination of text and photos. All ingredients of a great blog post.

  26. She is adorable and definitely progresses very fast. I have a friend with an 8 months baby and he is not yet walking or standing up.

  27. This is so cute. I love how you are documenting her little life, you will love looking at it when she is older

  28. She is undeniably adorable. I want to kiss her chubby little cheeks!

  29. Aww she's so adorable! They grow up so quickly.

  30. Awww! She is so cute and adorable little girl. I do love reading her life story and I am glad that she is able to walk at the age of 9 months.

  31. She is so cute and sweet. Don't you love every moment together?

  32. Bike rides with gradpa...awww! She is precious!

  33. Your daughter looks cute and adorable :) I love babies <3

  34. she is just adorable !! yes yes the "dislike" list is also going to be bigger ahahah Thanks for sharing your pics are lovely ! :)

  35. I can't believe she is already 9 months old already. I've been following you since before she was born so it's like I'm watching my own kids grow up. She is so precious as I'm sure you and everyone else will agree.

  36. She looks so adorable here. The time is just flying by so quickly. I know this far too well from my experience with my daughter. I love how inquisitive she looks, ready to explore her world.

  37. This is such a lovely photo. She is so adorable, my children used to cry when they dropped there bottle or lost it also. Thanks for sharing!

  38. My grandma used to say kids grow up way faster than we do realise. Now I guess may be thats true. And she is so pretty.. <3

  39. She is soooo cute! She is getting big so quick! Kids definitely grow up way too quick!!!

  40. What a great way to remember all her milestones! Love the post!

  41. Omg she is absolute cutie! And her outfits are adorable! little fashionista


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